Brighter Future Initiative
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The Dangers of Calcium supplements
When it comes to vitamins, we hear a lot about C, our Bs, and D. But rarely do we ever hear anyone talking about vitamin K and much less vitamin K2.
Vitamin K is important for forming blood clots properly, while Vitamin K2 boosts bone density, reduces calcification of arteries and prevents certain cancers. K2 acts as chaperone for calcium, directing it to bones and not arteries.
Why K2 Deficiency is Cause for Concern
Without vitamin K2 to shuttle calcium where it needs to go, the calcium cannot be utilized well by the body. People lacking in vitamin K2 are at higher risk of osteoporosis.
K2 is not only important for bone health, but also for cardiovascular health. If there is not enough K2 present to shuttle the calcium where it is needed, it can make its way to the arteries where it builds up as plaque and causes arthrosclerosis.
Peole who take calcium supplements but are K2 deficient increase their risks of heart attack or stroke by 20 -30%.
Vegans and Vitamin K2
For vegans, getting enough vitamin K2 can be problematic. While many vegan foods are high in vitamin K1, there are few vegan foods high in vitamin K2.
Although the body does convert K1 into K2, evidence shows that it is not enough to prevent osteoporosis and heart disease.
Vegan for life ♥