Brighter Future Initiative
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Does Casein in Dairy Products Affect Cancer Growth?
Casein is very different from whey, though just as detrimental to your health. Casein breaks down more slowly and in the process, also wreaks havoc on your health.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, says through his studies he has found casein to be the most relevant cancer promoter ever discovered.
Relation of Casein to Cancer
A study conducted by Indian scientists included exposure of rats to carcinogenic aflatoxins as well as casein protein. Reducing the rats’ protein consumption from the usual 20% down to only 5% prevented the powerful carcinogen from bringing about cancer completely.
Maintaining the protein levels at 20% with exposure to the carcinogen caused cancer in the rats. The link between casein and cancer was so significant according to these experiments that researchers discovered that they could actually turn on cancer growth and turn it off in lab animals by merely adjusting their dietary casein levels. For this reason, casein was found to be one of the most significant cancer promoters identified.
Why is cheese so addictive?
It digests at such a slow rate and casomorphins (natural, morphine-like compounds) in the casein enter the bloodstream and behave like opiates in your body. These casomorphins are released after the breakdown of caseins in the body and they attach to the brain’s opiate receptors leading to addiction to dairy products. The addictive response triggered is so strong that it has been compared to that of heroin due to the fact that it causes mood disorders and food addictions.
You Don’t Need Dairy for calcium.
Research shows that our bodies absorb calcium more optimally when it comes from plant sources. It was also shown that children’s bone integrity did not see an improvement in milk consumption; the same was also true for adults who were trying to keep osteoporosis at bay. Dairy consumption establishes an acidic environment promoting less than optimal calcium absorption in the body.
If you are going to remove dairy from your diet, you need to supplement with other sources such as almonds, broccoli, tofu, greens, beans, orange juice, and calcium-fortified plant milk. Calcium is an essential mineral and we need to ensure we are getting an adequate amount.
Beware of the Sneaky Place Casein Lurks (Hint, It’s Not Just Dairy!)
The trouble with casein is that it’s not just found in dairy products. In fact, this dangerous ingredient is often used in other foods, even those that are marketed as a vegan food. Casein is used in food for its scientific properties to thicken and congeal foods and likely for its addictive properties to sell more products. Some brands of veggie cheeses, non-dairy yogurts, non-dairy, and non-dairy creamers contain casein for these very reasons.
How to Spot Casein on a Label:
You’ll find casein listed as either of the following: casein, caseinates, calcium caseinate, potassium caseinate and sodium caseinate. Read labels thoroughly and buy products that are 100 percent vegan.
Vegan for life ♥